Wednesday 18 November 2009

Textual analysis of exsisting texts

The film trailer is of the film terminator salvation, the trailer begins by the one of the main actors vocally asking fundamental questions regarding his side of the plot “what day is it? What year? What happened here? The film trailer makes use of fading transitions depicting the desolate surroundings of the character; the non diegetic music suddenly starts beating, with a white fade at 0:14. The other character says “Judgement Day” exactly when this happens coupled with an atom bomb going off. This shows that this is the very brink of existence for humankind. Then the music introduces a drum beat, with a montage of quick cut edits timed in unison with the drum beats, these are all action shots and are medium to close up.

At 0:25 the film company “Warner Bros” logo appears followed by “The Halycon Company” these are introduced in with an effect of video interference, this makes it look like its part of the film, as a sort of message. These film companies are involved in production and distribution of the film. This is then preceded by a radio message narrating the plot of the film by the main character John Connor. Visuals are shown as he speaks things relating to his message.

It is interesting to note that when he says “you are the resistance” at 0:50 all the main characters faces fade in and out. Indicating these will be crucial to the resistance in the story.

One of the actors uses a famous phrase of the terminator series “come we me if you want to live” instantly relating to the past films so existing fans of the film will relate to it.

Making heavy use of diegetic speech towards the end there is a confrontation/revelation, and then the music starts to pick up with a series of increasingly action packed quick shots, with title shots appearing at regular intervals. Lastly, the main title is revealed in front of a digital image of a terminator map shot. It finishes with a narrator giving the name and date of the films release and production credits. This film is clearly of an action/apocalyptic genre.

This is the film trailer for the film “300” it begins with the production companies a film rating. It starts of with very quiet light music, depicting images shown in slow motion and sepia tone; this is done in fading cuts. This builds suspense.

Then King Leonidas shouts “Spartans tonight we dine in hell”, the music then picks up, into action shots and an ultimatum, as the trailer progresses the shots get quicker and more actively violent. Until the music cuts out and the title appears in blood. This is then followed by the end narration “All will know the few stood against the many” immediately followed by the billing board. This gives it a partial climax of what is going to happen in the film, building excitement to the audience. The genre of this film is action/violence.

This film trailer is for the film I am legend. It starts off with the film rating and production companies. It then makes use of saintly non diegetic vocals. Will Smith then says “nothing happened like it was supposed to happen”. The trailer uses the famous piece requiem for a dream; this music has been designed to build up momentum and suspense. It then has multiple shots that fade in and out in time with the music. Title screens sporadically appear as this occurs. This momentum is immediately cut short as the music abruptly stops and so do the shots.

The shots that are used in the beginning are of a verisimilitude setting of New York, as the music picks up these scenes portray many people running and of human struggle and action. At 0:45 when the music cuts out, the mise en scene has been reversed with New York empty except for the main character. This is re-enforced by will smith narrating as if it where a radio message, describing what has occurred and how to find him.

It finishes with a dark title screen that coincides with a dark setting, the characters breath can be heard, this is a classic use of building suspense along with beating music to each title screen, possibly to represent the heart beating. It finishes on a cliff hanger, with the title of the film being displayed, this would encourage people to see the movie to understand and know more of the story.

The genre of this film is apocalyptic and action.

This film trailer is for the film District 9; it starts by quick shot edits of the film companies and images from the film, with an electrical/tape winding sound.

Immediately after the first title screen, the trailer is set up as if it’s from the news or via an interview. The interview side is done via a news reporter describing what has happened with news like footage.

The interview side of the trailer is interesting as this is the first time I have seen the actors/production crew describing the film as if they are still apart of the film, the mise en scene behind each actors is fitting with the setting of the film. Each interview is cut in such a way to relate to scenes shown from the film.

As the plot is revealed, epic music starts to build up momentum with quick edit shots of action, violence and suffering concluding in the title of the film. The actor then states “I just want everyone who is watching this to learn from what’s happened” This makes the viewer think if something really did happen or it is just the acting. This film has been made very similar to clover field in the sense that it has been made to look like its real from a first hand point of view, the genre of this film is action.

Example of first hand realism.

Another trailer of my chosen genre spectrum is one for the film Daybreakers. It starts off with the production company and a serene backing soundtrack. It features a slow fade at first into the title screen, but then starts to have quick cuts with a flash effect.

As the plot is being revealed by narration of various characters, shocking visuals are shown from the film. As the music picks up it gets increasingly more horrifying/macabre.

At 1:10 a vampire is ambushed by a human and a clock begins ticking. This then shows the plot from the human’s perspective, symbolizing a race against time to find the cure. With the use of narrative and title screens the next scenes depict that battle between humans and vampires. He genre of this film is horror/apolcalyptic/action.

This film trailer is for the film 2012. As with the other trailers I have looked at it features the production company at the beginning. Eerie non diegetic music is played as a cryptic message is given via titles in front of Myan buildings and planets.

Then the eerie music cuts out to a news report/feature explaining what the 2012 belief is, showing various places acting in different ways. It then cuts to the main actor(s) where he announces “what are the odds” As soon as he says this fireballs reign down, and landmarks and places in the globe start to get destroyed. An Iconic image is shown of a religious building with a crack separating god and man.

The director name is shown as epic music kicks in right after “I thought we had more time” This shows awesome CGI visuals of cataclysmic events across the globe. Between these visuals the family that is the main drive of the film are shown struggling for survival. The plot of the film is then revealed when it is announced the government is building ships for the survival of the species and thus showing us of the drive of the cast(2:30 “no matter what happens we all have to stay together”. The titles at 1:50 “the End is just the beginning” entices the viewer to see what has begun out of the chaos. The destruction of the white house symbolizes that power is no longer in the hands of humans, but nature itself.

At the end of the trailer it shows the title with a hidden message on it, making the viewer curious to see it again for a better look.

This film plays off the speculation that is widely found over the internet about the 2012 theory “find out the truth, search 2012” This is a successful marketing ploy as people who do will uncover vast amounts of theories regarding 2012 and will want to see the film to picture what it would be like. The genre is apocalyptic.

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