Wednesday 18 November 2009


For my main task of the media advanced portfolio I will be making a promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options:

  • A website homepage for the film;

  • A film magazine front cover, featuring the film;

  • A poster for the film.

I have decided that once I have completed my main task, I will pick a film magazine and a film poster for my two ancillary texts.

I will use the acronym LIIAR (This means language, institution, ideology and representation.) when analysing my promotion package texts. Starting by applying it to the trailer I am going to create.


This is important for reaching the target audience of the film. There are a great number of conventional methods to achieve this. The goal of a film is to tell a story using Equilibrium, disruption, quest, and resolution.

Film trailers are created with the drive to make the target audience aware of the film and hold there interest while leaving out the majority of information concerning the ending (resolution). When I pick a genre for my trailer I should make sure it appeals mostly to my target audience and it uses the same set-up as existing trailers.


The institution is responsible for making media and getting it to audiences. In the case of my trailer it would be production companies who do this. Thanks to digitalization this is easier now then it ever was, for example apps on the I phone, advertisements on Spotify and many other forms of media readily available to audiences.


The ideology behind film trailers is to get the film in the public eye and raise media hype; this is beneficial to the film as it serves as advertising. This is done as stated in the language, giving the audience just enough exposure to the film, usually partial disjointed pieces of the best bits of the film to grab there attention and make them want to see the rest.


The audience can vary significantly depending on the genre of the film, thus if I was to make a film trailer similar to Terminator, I would attract males of a young and old age group as violence/action films are widely believed to be male for the majority. So when I come to deciding the genre of my trailer I should do research into which target audience I should be attracting.


Different films are represented differently, for example a romance will usually have a images and visuals of couples portrayed in a loving way, while a action film such as need for speed will have images of cars and conflict. When it comes to representing my film trailer I will analyse other media texts of my genre to see how mine should be represented

To further help me I will use a checklist to help me keep track of the requirements needed for my blog and to meet those targets.

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