Wednesday 18 November 2009

Audience Research

For my audience research I have created a questionnaire for my target audience, this will help show me what they are mainly interested in,

To get my data, both qualitive and quantitative I decided to make a questionnaire that could be mass produced to reach a large spectrum of people. The target audience for my trailer is of the 16 to 25 age range, so I chose to try and get those of that age to fill out my questionnaire. I opted out of doing an on line poll as the main audience would be bias towards the media related work I was doing, as they would of found the blogger due to its content.

I asked 27 people to do my questionnaire randomly at Wyke College; this would make sure that I would get a more varied audience with no bias. This would make the data clearer to me if a trend emerged. Out of the 27 people I gave my questionnaire to 15 of them was Male and 11 Female.

The next two questions I added “Have you watched a Film at the cinema within the last 3 months?” revealed to me that the majority of the target audience does go to the cinema at least once in 3 months. More data has been collected on how actively they go in the next question that follows it up, giving me a better understanding of my target audience’s experiences with my chosen medium.

I asked as quantitative questions what genre and music they preferred, a possibility that there were a greater proportion of males to females may hint towards a notable trend in the results. The most popular genre of film was action with a varied mix of music style.

I also incorporated Qualitive questions into my questionnaire such as What do you like about Action films?”What do you dislike Action films?” And “What would make you want to see Action films at the cinema? I had feedback such as “the setting gives it a good feel” and “special effects” for “what do you like about action films” question. Some examples of feedback for the dislike question was “the mindless violence” and “ the story plots” This feedback and the rest I will review on my Questionnaire sheets while in the creating process of my film trailer. The questionaire sheet was made in Microsoft was the site used to make graphs.

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