Tuesday 16 March 2010

Audience feedback

Now that I had my two ancillary texts and main task completed I went about the process of gathering audience feedback on my productions. I did this by carrying out a likert rating questionnaire with 17 graphic design students for each of my products. Eight of the voters are male and nine voters are female. This is the first questionnaire where females are the higher percentage.

Film poster questionnaire,

For each question please choose a number from one to ten, one being poor and ten being superb.

1.) The layout of the poster overall ( )
2.) The effectiveness of the imagery ( )
3.) The use of text i.e production info, slogan ect ( )
4.) Colour usage ( )
5.) Quality/professionalism of the poster overall, i.e quality of text/images ( )

What genre of poster do you think this is?
Action ( ) Romance ( ) Comedy ( ) Horror ( ) Film Noir ( ) Other ( )

Out of the 20 people who took part in this questionnaire the results from the one to ten rating are as follows:
The average for the layout was 8 out of 10
The average for the imagery effectiveness was 7 out of 10
The use of text scored an average of 8 out of 10
Colour usage scored 10 out of 10 on average
The quality of the production scored 9 out of 10 on average

18 people stated the poster was of the action genre, with two stating it could be of the horror genre.

From these results I can see that the research and design of my poster achieved its desired effect on the target audience for the most part, with the ratings being generally high for each question, and having the genre easily recognized by the majority.

Film Magazine front cover questionnaire,

For each question please choose a number from one to ten, one being poor and ten being superb.

1.) The layout of the cover overall ( )
2.) The effectiveness of the imagery ( )
3.) The use of text i.e headline, plugs ect ( )
4.) Colour usage ( )
5.) Quality/professionalism of the front cover overall, i.e quality of text/images ( )

What genre of film magazine do you think this is?
Action ( ) Romance ( ) Comedy ( ) Horror ( ) Film Noir ( ) Other ( )

Out of the 20 people who took part in this questionnaire the results from the one to ten rating are as follows:

The average for the layout was 9 out of 10
The average for the imagery effectiveness was 8 out of 10
The use of text scored an average of 7 out of 10
Colour usage scored 7 out of 10 on average.
The quality of the production scored 9 out of 10 on average.

20 (all) people stated the magazine was of the action genre, I think this is due to the characters attire and gun being prominent.

From these results I can see that the research and design of my poster achieved its desired effect on the target audience for the most part, with the ratings being generally high for each question, and having the genre easily recognized by everyone. Two weak areas I have found were in the colour usage and use of text in areas of the magazine.

Film trailer questionnaire

For each question please choose a number from one to ten, one being poor and ten being superb.
1. Camera work, i.e. how the shots where used/quality of camera work ( )
2. Quality of the footage taken ( )
3. Setting ( )
4. Use of captions ( )
5. Use of sound ( )
6. Continuity ( )
7. Use of lighting ( )

8. What genre of film poster do you think this is?
Action ( ) Romance ( ) Comedy ( ) Horror ( ) Film Noir ( ) Other ( )

The average for camera work was 9 out of 10
The average for quality was 9 out of 10
The average for setting was 10 out of 10
The average for caption use was 9 out 10
The average for sound was 8 out of 10
The average for continuity was 9 out of 10
The average for lighting was 6 out of 10

20 people out of 20 stated it was of an action genre.

This shows that the audience views my film product positively with a high rating for the most part, although one serious flaw was that of lighting for my trailer.

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