Tuesday 16 March 2010

Audience Research

For my audience research I have created a questionnaire for my target audience, this will help show me what they are mainly interested in, and what content I should work to including when designing my film poster.
I decided to make a questionnaire that could be mass produced to reach a large spectrum of people. The target audience for my trailer is of the 16 to 25 age range, so I chose to try and get those of that age to fill out my questionnaire. I opted out of doing an on line poll as the main audience would be bias towards the media related work I was doing, as they would of found the blogger due to its content. The questionnaire itself features roughly 50% quantitative questions and 50% qualitative questions.
I asked 31 people to do my questionnaire from an As/A2 Photography classes at Wyke College; this as an alternate audience to just randomly asking people and would have a higher probability of being more visually inclined. This would be interesting to see if a trend emerged among these students. Out of the 31 people I gave my questionnaire to 18 of them was Male and 13 Female.
I asked the following quantitative questions; Age, gender, opinion on the most important feature and a choice of poster cover. After I had gathered the completed questionnaires I tallied them up and made them into graphs using the Graph builder on nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph . The questionaire sheet was made in Microsoft Word.

The results show that the 28 out of the 31 people were aged between 16-18, with only 3 aged 19-21. The ratio of males to females is only slightly higher with 18 males to 13 females. The age group that my questionnaire has been undertaken by is the suitable age and mix of gender that I require to get valid research for my production work.

The results of the question “What in your opinion do you think is the most important feature of a film poster” came out very varied. The prominent feature however, was that of imagery, followed by colours and effects, this I will take into account when creating my poster.

The final quantitative question posed to the people who undertook my questionnaire was which poster of the genre I had chosen did they prefer, The 28 days later poster was much more popular then the I am legend one as 23 people picked the 28 days later compared to only 8 picking I am legend. This shows me the style which appeals most to my target audience, and thus I will try to amplify that in my own work.

I also incorporated Qualitive questions into my questionnaire such as “what interests you about a film poster” and “when you see a film poster, what grabs your interest first”. The various comments differed among the people who the questions where posed to, but the most common results were similar to my quantitative results for “What in your opinion do you think is the most important feature of a film poster”

This feedback and the rest of my research I will review on my Questionnaire sheets while in the creating process of my film poster.

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