Monday 1 February 2010

Location list

By looking at the examples of media text I want to base my film trailor on, I came to the conclusion that I needed to have three prominant areas. The first had to be a derelict building(s) the second had to be a fairly wooded area and the last had to be an obscure setting to juxtapose the trailor, this would make the film trailor interesting.

My original idea of an area was to be some old fish docks near the River Humber, this would have allowed me to have an area free of people that looked abandoned and desolate. However with the weather changing to heavy snow for a brief period, I took advantage of the situation.

I have taken inspiration from exsisting media texts such Imogen Heap's Canvas video to formulate an idea of a journey within the trailor. Combining this with other texts, I hope to make an original trailor with the feel of other such media of its genre.

I had taken a weekend to scout out prospective areas for my filming, these are the four areas that met the parameters of the locations needed.

  • Willerby warehouses/playing fields
This area is perfect for an abandoned urban setting, the place itself is very desolate and away from the public. This would give give me the bonus of not having to worry about people getting in the way of filming or ruining the setting.

The playing fields would give me in the right weather conditions a bleak rugged setting in which to film the traveling sequences of my film trailor.
  • Wold Road Golf Course
This place has access to heavily wooded areas and near by ruins that could be used for ideal shots for the trailor.

The area is quite diverse in terrain and would give me options on what type of scene I would wish to shoot, this would be for obscure up close chase scenes or exploring.

  • Wyke College
The College's facilities provide me with the perfect location to shoot a lab scene for my film trailor. Furthermore there is equpment/props there already that I can get access to, such as lab coats, computers, scientific equipment and similar items.

The large buildings there could also provide interesting ascpects to shoot.
  • Cottingham fields
The final area I scouted out was of a massive series of fields between the border of Hull and Cottingham, here there was trenches, hedgerows and the occasional ruin.

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